More than 35 years of vast professional experience in the financial sector and private banking and real estate. Acting as a specialist in integrated financial consulting, senior asset management consultant, financial services specialist and later as a partner and senior financial consultant in several prestigious companies and banks in the financial sector. Covering extensive Ngeographical areas of clients, such as: Portugal, Switzerland, official Portuguese speaking countries (Palop / Portuguese official language countries), both in Africa and Latin America.

Planning, design, proposals and active management of clients’ assets according to their preferences, profiles and investment objectives.

Advising and meeting with clients traveling throughout assigned geographic regions to assess the status, needs, risks, objectives and progress of assets under management. Preparation of financial statements, reports and forecasts of business activities and Development, organization and maintenance of client portfolios.

As part of the initial job development, he also acquired and developed professional experience in various financial, commercial and real estate activities related to the family.